Property Taxes / Dockage Fees

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  • #974

    Hello from Penetanguishene!! Sorry I couldn’t be there in Gatineau this year, but I am truly missing seeing all of you ?

    I want to ask all the members if you pay property taxes to your Municipalities for either docking your vessels or for having a ticket booth on the docks? And if so, what are you being charged?

    Also, in your Lease/Rental Agreement with your municipalities, are you charged a per foot rate based on the length of your vessel or a flat commercial rate?

    Anything you can provide is greatly appreciated!!

    Cheers to all ?


    Joan Steckhan

    Hi Angie:

    The conference is answering your questions! Generally people don’t pay property taxes but they do pay docking fees. In Toronto the docking fees are based on different handlers and linear feet. The better the spot, the higher the price. Whirlpool and Sudbury pay docking fees. Whirlpool pay $170,000 for 50 feet. Everyone is in shock and financing Gary’s booze bill tonight. It is the most expensive. Empress on Toronto one year contract at a price Mark chokes on.

    A lot of systems is based on ridership and location.

    Have a great night


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